11th Street Bridge, Washington D.C.

11th Street Bridge Competition
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LOCATION: Washington, D.C.
CLIENT:  Amman Whitney

This was an “Invited Competition” for a design/build project to create a new 11th Street bridge across the Anacostia River in southeastern Washington D.C.   Amman Whitney,as bridge designers, lead a team that included civil engineers, traffic planners and landscape architects to produce the design and provide costs for the proposal.  Ed Hamm, as urban designer and landscape architect with Rhodeside and Harwell, was involved in the aesthetic and civic design aspects of the project.  This included design work on bridge massing, railing details, lighting,  materials and all civic elements, along with visualizations and graphics. His familiarity with street design standards and pedestrian movement made him an integral team member.

The bridge will provide an important transit link between the evolving Washington Navy Yard neighborhood and the upcoming historic Anacostia neighborhood across the river. It is to be rebuilt and downgraded to local street standards to create a more human scale and offer greater opportunities for pedestrian use and bicycling. Spanning the river, the bridge will become a key component of the Anacostia Waterfront Open Space System, linking recreational activities on both sides.  The bridge design accommodates the future street car system along the H Street corridor.